lather, rinse, repeat

14 October 2006 @ 12:20
my mood

Stuck in work on a Saturday, but I'm not sure what I would do otherwise.

Sleeping all day is out because I am now waking up on my own accord between five and six in the morning. No alarm clock, no light glaring in my face. Just my body saying "okay stupid, time to crawl out of your bunk now!"

Couldn't really call anyone back home because it is the weekend, and everyone I can think of is either not at work, still sleeping, or busy. And while I really do need to call PhysicsGeek and my grandparents, that has to wait until after work.

Don't really feel like writing any letters, even though I have a small stack to reply to and other various things that need to be put in the mail.

Just bored. And lazy. And thinking way too much about things.

I spend way too much time by myself.

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