first words

15 April 2006 @ 23:27
my mood

Si un probl�me � une solution, alors il est inutile de s'inqui�ter; S'il n'en a pas, s'inqui�ter n'y changera rien.

Talking to Keith about Kuwait and life and stuff. Keith is no longer on The List. Neither is my squad leader. No one knows why and vague reasons were given in an email. We all love Mother Army, don't we?

Dad: "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Annie: "No, that's why it's the Spanish Inquisition!"

There's a pineapple on my kitchen counter. In case you're curious, abacaxi is one of the first words that Andre's family taught me.

Tudo, tudo, tudo vai dar p�
Tudo, tudo, tudo vai dar p�

I should stop obsessing. Better things to do with my time.

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