mad skillz always go unrecognized

01 April 2006 @ 23:04
my mood

Annie: oi!
Andre: Oi
Annie: tudo bem?
Andre: N�o muito
Annie: quer um abraco?
Andre: Quero!
Annie: quer um beijo?
Annie: sim ou nao?
Andre: Quero, muitos
Andre: Gosto muito de voc�
Annie: voce esta sozinho hoje?
Andre: Um pouco!
Annie: somente um pouco?
Andre: Bastante, voc� n�o est� aqui comigo!
Annie: ahhhh... eu sei. eu quero estar ai com voce.
Andre: Voc� est� me assustando!
Annie: se assustar? que e isso?
Andre: You're scaring me!
Annie: meu portugues e muito bom, ne?
Andre: Who are you asking for that portuguese?
Andre: Who's helping you?
Annie: no one. you've been my teacher
Andre: Liar
Annie: I'm serious

That's mostly for keeping track of my progress in Portuguese. Had my skillz been a bit better, I would have continued.

Later, he told me that I friend was watching the conversation. I didn't realize that I had an audience.

I procrastinated much of the day away, which is okay. I'm feeling better and a few things are being taken care of on my checklist. That and it looks like I'll be able to have my cake and it eat too. But not before I write a few semi-depressing emails.

Next week is all about calling doctors and dentists and making sure my medical junk is all together. Fun? Not so much. But it needs to be done.

As if that will make my check list any shorter...

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