mostly about work

14 February 2006 @ 22:44
my mood

I think my crazy French prof was onto something last semester when he told me to visit the gym more often. For starters, I'm tired. Secondly, I'm not in as much pain. This is a very good thing.

I also bet Andr� that I would be in better shape than he will be when I visit in May. He doesn't believe me. It might be the worst possible form of motivation, but I'm out to prove him wrong.

I made an interesting friend while debugging C++ today. She's from Pakistan, but her family has Indian background, and she's Muslim. But she thinks the current rioting by other Muslim groups is immature and childish. See? I told you that she was interesting. Or at least not what I was expecting. (Does that make her interesting?) Don't worry -- there's much more to her than that which makes her interesting.

As much as I enjoy being one of the few girls that interacts freely with the boys in the class, it's very nice to meet up with a girl and go chat about life, crazy theories, our perceptions of the world, and boys over Subway.

PhysicsGeek and EngineeringGeek got the shows from Houston to play on our system. Mark that up as a small success. They're tilted a little weird, as if the dome surface they use is more like an IMAX screen than a planetarium dome. And the movies definitely have that sickening IMAX feel to them, even though it's all digital and mostly panning through still images.

We're going to be watching these shows and other, older shows to get a handle on what we like and what we don't like. I am, of course, looking for things that I know how to do and what I don't know how to do. As well as the things that I might not know how to do yet, but can be done using our equiment. Are you following that? Good.

I'll be making full-dome shows once we get all of the right equiment. As in, computers that don't crash when you try to save an image in Photoshop.

No, I'm not joking.

PhysicsGeek, EngineeringGeek and I were also talking about how long I'd be gone and away from the planetarium this summer. Well. Five weeks in Brazil. A week at home to recover and get ready to leave again. And then a little more than two weeks on the road. Five plus one plus two equals eight. Nearly two months. Mid-May to mid-July. Yeah, that sounds about right.

It's a little weird because I'll be gone for (hopefully) most of the renovations that will go on this summer. It's a little scary because no one is as completely comfortable with SciDome as I am. Yeah, Bosswoman and Bossman can play scripts and movies. Bossman can create basic scripts. PhysicsGeek is pretty familiar with the StarryNight interface. But EngineeringGeek and FutureTeacher can barely feel their way around the system. And NewGuy (until he gets a better pseudoname)? I wouldn't dare leave him alone with it.

Not to mention that fact that I'm spending, oh, five weeks in a country whose language that I do not speak well beyond "Oiiiiii!" and a few choice things that aren't fit for an audience outside of the bedroom.

Must work on that. The Portuguese as a whole, not the pillowtalk.

(Yeah, I knew what you were thinking. And they say that I'm the perverted one...)

Anyways, I've rambled long enough. Boa noite, world.

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