I started with the tree, but...

19 December 2005 @ 02:15
my mood

I am amused by the people that my mother manages to convince to help with Christmas. First it was her manicurist's son. He helped drag in the Christmas tree and set it up. Then my mom found a pole with a hook and managed to decorate the tree, by herself. That, I did find impressive. Today, my uncle and his little boy came over. Guess who was dragging lights up and down the stairs? He had to leave right before Mom was going to have him put the tree skirt on. Foiled again!!

It's not that I'm a scrooge. It's more along the lines of ohh... I'm nearly flat broke, I had made plans only to have them fall through, I'm going to be subjected to mandatory family time with my brother...

Not to mention that both of my godparents are going to do that usual thing of "so what are you up to these days?" around the holidays instead of just ringing me up every once in awhile. Five bucks say that they won't remember Andr�'s name or that he speaks Portuguese, not Spanish. I mean, it's gotten to the point where they know exactly their babies/grandbabies like but don't know that I would really appreciate a good book. Seriously, my godmother has been so busy with her new two babies that she's practically ignored me since their birth. She works full-time so I know that she doesn't even have much time for her own family, but really? It doesn't take much time to pick up the phone once a month and talk to me for five minutes. I spend more time with her oldest son than I do with her. Sometimes I wonder what's the point.

I know I'm sometimes very difficult to talk to in person. I'm quiet. I'm a little strange. I study stuff that most in my family can't really understand. I'm a tomboy after a succession of girly girls. I don't bring boyfriends to family functions. I'm not engaged. I'm not pregnant.

I'm misplaced, being the youngest granddaughter amoung a sea of boys. The closest grandchildren to my age are my brother, DS Cousin, Cousin J (godmother's eldest), and my dead cousin. Lessee... I don't talk to my brother much, DS Cousin and I have had a hard time relating since I entered high school, my dead cousin has been dead for years, and Cousin J is usually looking after his younger brothers. But when he's not chasing toddlers, I'm very grateful for him.

If it's any consoluation... my brother's godparents suck too. I haven't seen his godfather since my grandfather was in the hospital -- which I think was almost a month ago. WTF were my parents thinking?

Wow. That rant got out of hand.

And with that, I'm going to bed.

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