pretty flashy lights

16 December 2005 @ 13:31
my mood

It's snowing again. I don't remember this much snow last year. I swear, it's taunting me.

Nya nya nya, you can't travel over break!

As if I needed a reminder.

Tonight is the first night of the Holiday Lights show. I'm hoping that I can go, since I'm definitely not going ice skating with the gang from work. But that is bound not to happen if I procrastinate with my English schoolwork. Good thing I lost my handwritten notes and have to resort to typing them out. Which is okay -- I can email them to the prof. Which is much much better. I don't have to drop them off in her mailbox. But I'd rather have not lost my notes in the first place.

I actually have a bit of a to-do list to take care of over break. Christmas shopping, packages to prepare and mail out, establishing a savings account for France, figuring out how to totally reorganize my life and planning a presentation for the planetarium benefactors.

I have no idea of what I'm going to do for the presentation. Pretty flashy thingies, or something along those lines. Either way, I'm the one that gets to program it.

On top of one blue screen of death to cure, one corrupted computer to tinker with, one installation to complete, and about three Linux boxes to build. I told the Physics department that they weren't allowed to break their computers in the meantime.

Mkay, I want to work tonight and watch the pretty flashy lights.

Tchau tchau.

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