i <3 my job

21 November 2005 @ 16:44
my mood

Over eighteen hours, three bowls of popcorn, two bowls of ceral, one geology essay, a short conversation in Portuguese with a relative of a relative of someone I'm bound to know, a pointless English class, a successful Red Hat installation, a free vanilla cafe latte, and a nap later...


My boss isn't here, again. He takes a vacation day every week. (It's a long story that involves the strike, planetarium renovation, and contracts.) Which means that no one has work to do, so a few of us hang out in the workshop and do homework. It's actually a good place to go, usually. No one bothers you, the phone hardly rings, you can listen to whatever you want on the radio, computer and internet access... and PEACE. And QUIET.

Also, the Physics department as a whole has discovered that:

  1. I clean up after myself, unlike the guy that I am apparently replacing (but I don't think he knows yet).
  2. I know the difference between a CD-ROM drive and a hard drive.
  3. I can feel my way around Linux.
  4. I have an ear for putting sound mixes together
  5. I'm a quick learner.

Which means that they've completely fallen in love with me and I'm slowly becoming the department's computer guru. This is slightly dangerous, because I have evil thoughts of installing extra languages for Linux and presenting the non-English boxes to unsuspecting research assistants. Like Spanish. And then trying to convince them that I had to, because Spanish is now the official language. While watching them try to feel their way around a new system in a foreign language. Muhahaha.

But seriously, I don't think I'll run into stupid things like "my computer told me I had 50 bajillion viruses and I didn't delete any of them and now it won't boot..." Then again, two of the student research assistants looked right into a LASER. So, there is potential for stupidity in this land of math equations that I can barely wrap my head around.

Never a dull moment around here. Never. I LOVE IT!

Plus I get to play with really expensive equipment that is obscure enough that no one knows what it is but cool enough to make people gasp with wonder.

So it's not like it's only bad stuff going on. It could be a lot worse.

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