who am I?

09 November 2005 @ 01:51
my mood

This is going to sound a little morbid, so skip if you think that you're going to be offened.

If something should ever happen to you, be it a car accident, heart attack, shooting, even losing your wallet or purse, passed out and on the way to the hospital, whatever... what whomever would find out about you.

Let's start with my purse. It's small, black, and tucks right under my arm -- perfect anti-theft. Very nondescript. If it was my purse, they wouldn't find much other than pens, birth control, parking card, copy card, a Brazilian coin, a bilingual note from Andr� in his almost unreadable script, a small passportish photo of a very handsome man who is dressed rather formally with no name on the back, and maybe my debit card and various forms of identification. (I carry three, one is required to be on my person at all times by law.)

If it was my physical person, they wouldn't find much. My ring, which is no use for identification with just Andr�'s first name and a date written in European format. My dogtags, if they were lucky. (I hardly wear them.) Maybe keys, which are only for the house, my car, and the planetarium. And my keyring? Virgin Mary with a prayer written in Old French around it. I am not a practicing Catholic nor do I really follow Catholicism. (I just thought it was cool when I bought it. And I didn't realize it was the Virgin Mary until later.) I have no cell phone, so no one can check that. I have two small scars on my right thigh -- one from chickenpox and another from a second degree burn, the burn being more recent. Not much else other than that.

But not much to say that "hey, this is who I am", you know?


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