lots of stuff

22 October 2005 @ 00:17
my mood

I snuggled up with my body pillow and I'm sure I looked just adorable in the cam. And lonely. And wanting a hug.

It is definitely fall here. I've taken to wearing layers under my sweaters and grabbing my scarf on the way out the door.

I realized today that I looked like a Brazilian girl walking around campus. Low cut, well fitting Brazilian jeans, thin colorful sweater, and the scarf that minha sogra knitted for me. Just like one of the many many girls I saw walking around at the August Party -- only they wear makeup and earrings.

Fran and Dudu are getting married in Febuary, and I can't go to the wedding -- which sucks. It's in the middle of the semester, not to mention the fact that I can't afford another ticket so soon. I don't think I'll be asked to be in the wedding -- Fran would have asked me by now -- so I don't think I have much to worry about.

On a wedding related note, I was asked to be in M�nica's wedding... whenever that will take place.

My mom was a little upset with that. "What?! You're just going to hop on a plane to go to someone's wedding without getting much warning?" Well, yeah.

I was able to completely finish my French studying before my test. And I think I did rather well. Which leaves my homework to be completed, along with the other pile o' stuff I have to do.

I so deserve a swim. I think I actually need it.

Bed. I'm going to be trained on new equipment tomorrow as well as perform voodoo on yet another computer. Did I mention that there's a show next weekend? And the audio computer isn't ready? Yeah.

Boa noite,

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