another crazy Army weekend

15 October 2005 @ 22:00
my mood

I took the infamous PT test today. And I failed. But that's okay.

My stats, off the top of my head are:

Pushups: 20
Situps: 20
One mile: 10:35

Not stellar, but not bad for being a total couch potato. Lots of room for improvement.

I need to get 55 situps and two mile time of 18:54, but I passed pushups. (Amazingly enough.) I have a feeling that if I had been graded by someone outside of the band that my pushup score would have been a big fat zero. Why? My form sucks, and I just don't go down far enough.

So, it's off to the gym. I rule at situps once I get trained up, so the main focus will be upper body.

The Sir got all worked up today because apparently we, as a band, cannot swing. And apparently in the world of military music this is a Bad Thing. This means that we will play Sousa until we are blue in the face and passing out from lack of oxygen. I do not particulary care for Sousa. I have made Sousa turn in his grave more times than I care to count. And I'm guessing that the Sir doesn't hold a soft spot for him either. Why? He just announced that there will be AUDITIONS. FOR EVERYONE. So much for Rose etudes! Sousa and I are going to have a little party. And all of the other march composers are invited.

All because we can't swing. Oh, and those pesky key changes.

I had a bit of relief from Cousin 1, Cousin 2, and Cousin 3 this weekend. DS Cousin is here to visit and Cousin J is on his way up. So C1 and C2 have been playing with DS Cousin, which has left me with enough time to get my uniform ironed and handle C3 when need be.

SO nice.

Speaking of C3, he is really starting to chatter away. He and I have basic little conversations, and he's starting to ask me questions. Tonight, he asked about my marching band gig that I have bright and early tomorrow morning. I think he wanted to come play with us, too. C3 is definitely a band geek in the making.

Okay, Cousin J is here and I still have boots to shine...

...and 0430 wakeup.

Goodnight world.

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