I hate the Army. no, I hate the people in the Army

04 August 2005 @ 08:11
my mood

Dammit. I hate the Army. Remind me of that when I reenlist.

No, wait. I don't hate the Army. I hate the people who outrank me or are married to people who outrank me and manage to fuck everything under the sun up.

Heaven forbid if we forget to pay attention to details!! We might actually get something right!

Also, heaven forbid if we use the sacred spell-checker!! Or if we make our emails, short, to the point, and easy to understand!

So now I'm not sure where I'm going in Canton today, which means I have to leave super early to see if this is the RIGHT cemetery or not. I get to go to work all smelly!

I'm wondering if this job is really worth it.

Can I get on the plane now?

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