birth control!

24 June 2005 @ 17:51
my mood

Staying with my aunt is a great form of birth control. She has three boys. All three are active and crazy. I love them to death, but they are sometimes a bit much to handle.

Cousin 2 ran into a mailbox and got all scratched up and we thought he broke his finger again. (Which, thankfully, wasn't the case.) But C2 is a bleeder, and my mom was all freaked out about that.

Cousin 3 is sick with strep throat and I haven't been able to resist the urge to cuddle him. Only I forget to wash my hands. Oops. I'm probably going to get sick. Also, C3 was up most of the night crying. And since I'm not at home, I sleep light. So the poor baby kept waking me up last night.

Yeah, gotta go. Tchau!

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