french, bed, sleep, black dress

14 May 2005 @ 20:30
my mood

The Senegalise man is still pestering me. Ugh, annoying. I find someone to practice my French with and they suddenly want to become the signifact other! No, thank you.

I guess this is what I get for using tu instead of vous. Stupid Annie. Stupid complexities of French!

Anyways, he sent me the following email. I've translated it into English -- no small feat since his French grammar is horrible. I left out a few parts because they didn't make sense to me.

Annie, for the first time I am in love with a white person.

Annie, I look for love or friendship in a sincere and longlasting relationship.

Annie, I am African and 29 years old. [Here, he describes what he does for a living. I don't understand.]

Annie, the first time I saw your photo I liked [loved??] you. I like your photo, it gives me pleasure. [Something about meeting here, don't quite understand.] I like [love??] you my dear one.

He, once again, kept asking for my phone number. *rolls eyes*

ATTENTION NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING BOYS: I can't understand French very well, and can barely understand Portuguese! And no, you're not getting my phone number!

Grr. Must start using vous.

Also, when Molly said that her truck was illegal, I thought that she didn't have insurance or tags or some legal mumbo jumbo that we have to have here in Ohio.

It wasn't any of that.

Her truck doesn't have a bed. Apparently in Ohio, your truck has to have something covering the tires and the gas tank.

So, when I stopped to she her today (while she was at work, doh!) her mom was building a bed for her truck. Okay then.

I slept most of today. It felt good.

Although I feel a little... out of whack(?) because there is nothing due on Monday. I work on Monday. That's a strange feeling.

Hello, summer.

Hello, fun times.

Now I just need a little black dress.

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