random stream of thought

12 May 2005 @ 02:06
my mood

Rain again.

Found my glasses. Not that you knew they were missing.

Going to Canada. Without my parental units. Maybe I'll get another stamp in my passport.

Survived the French final. Andr� decided to celebrate by speaking Portuguese too fast for me to understand.

Molly left another random voicemail on my cell phone. I think it was something about a book on a table...in bad Spanish.

I had a conversation in French today. I was understood, but I couldn't understand him.

Also, why is it that random men in Senegal keep giving me their cell phone number and asking me to call them? Do they not realize que je ne comprends pas bien?

I keep switching languages in my head. It's starting to scare me.

VH1 has a secret love affair with Moby. Or at least his music.

Sleepy time with my sleepy stuffs. Long day after a 5h30 wakeup call.

I hate peeing in a cup. Whatever they're looking for, they're not going to find it.

Um beij�o e muitos beijinhos, meu amorzinho.


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