garage sale weekend

01 May 2005 @ 18:49
my mood

I so hate garage sale weekend. I want it to be over.

It takes a lot of planning and a lot of moving junk to the house and storing it in the garage. It gets to the point where there is no room in the garage to park the motorcycles or one of the cars.

Then, garage sale weekend arrives. Beforehand, a bunch of people come over and price stuff. That's not too bad.

The thing that kills me is when the garage sale is open. I can't get in or out of the driveway. The phone is always ringing. People are wanting stuff. Just constant action when I want to crawl under my bed and hide.

Also, it's like having 15 different moms. "Annie!! Wakie-wakie!" DIE! "Annie!! How is your paper coming?" Would you like to write it for me? "Annie!! Where do you keep..." Good question. Mom moves stuff.

I don't want anything to do with the garage sale. So leave me alone.


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