spring break...ahhh....

15 March 2005 @ 22:55
my mood

It has been a bit of a productive day.

Met with the clients. Simple enough, really. I made a sick computer better and got paid in cash. (Always a good thing. I like getting paid under the table.) The other client is a bit more complicated. I walked into the coffee house thinking that I would just be doing the website. No. It's more than that. If I decide to do it, I will be working with marketing and advertising as well. All for a new invention. It's a little exciting, but I'm not sure where to start.

I also printed out a ton of pictures and put two packages together. I have four left to go -- three big ones and one little one. They will probably be spaced out a bit, since I still need to get packing materials for two of the big ones.

I have just been absolutely lazy and loving it. I like sleeping in. I like watching Law and Order on TV late at night. And I think I'm going to make a midnight Wal-Mart run. Ahh...the freedom of Spring Break.

But I need to remember that there's still stuff I absolutely need to take care of. That's such a pity.

Eh, c'est la vie.

Boa noite!

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