already packed!

05 December 2004 @ 01:00
my mood

Today was my minivacation from everything: school, work, web site stuff, Portuguese, family stuff. Ahh...I so needed this.

I did go out shopping for the last few bits of summer-type clothing and miscellaneous things for the Brazil trip. Mainly summer clothing, since I hardly own any. Last summer was spent in a bathtub factory, and I wore jeans and a t-shirt to work everyday. In the evenings, I usually stayed home. The summer before that was spent on tour with a marching band and in basic training. What I wore in rehearsal for the summer marching band would be things I would never wear in public. And basic training? I only had what clothing they gave me. Needless to stay, I don't own any normal summer clothing. And I'm going to a very fashion-concious country in the middle of their summer.

Most of that is packed away and ready to go. Less for me to deal with later. Packing on Christmas day is the last thing I need to do.

I'm still trying to figure out why I'm getting ready for this so early while I procrastinate on everything else.

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