more letters

11 November 2004 @ 22:24
my mood

Dear Orbitz:

Thank you for not notifying me when my flights changed again. I really don't care if it's your fault or Varig's fault, but an email notification would have been nice. Am I supposed to check my trip schedule online every week now?

Oh, and your phone system. It sucks. It's highly annoying to call and have your automated phone system hang up on me.


Biology Study Partner:

I hope you're feeling better.

Good luck tomorrow,

Fuckhead at my unit:

Do your fucking job so I'm not stressing out about all of my paperwork that you were supposed to take care of.

Oh, and I really don't appreciate it when you partake in the gossip mill. My life is none of your business.

I wish we could get rid of you.

--the lowly bass clarinetist

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