it's better than ice cream

21 September 2004 @ 22:16
my mood


I think I did well on my Biology test, even if I needed to use the book for over half of it. That is a bad sign. I need to take better notes and keep up on my reading in there.

Why did I pick Bio over Astronomy? Oh, that's right. I like Biology. I like to torture myself with simple chemistry and cell structure and a lot of terminology at once. Seriously, ten chapters of material on the first test?

All my mom had to say about it all was "Welcome to college". Thanks, Mom. At least I don't have two kids in tow when I head off to class.

No kids, no huge school loans.

I must remember that.

Keith mentioned today that I really haven't had much time for him lately. I wondered how long it would take for him to say something.

Today I talked to him on three different occassions. Not once (the usual), not twice (rather uncommon), but three times. Both times that I talked to him on the phone, he was just busting about his plans for his company and upcoming shows. It's great that business is going so well for him -- and I'm excited about it too -- but since he has ADD and will repeat himself often, I hear about the same bits of it three or four times on average. If I don't have the date for the next big show memorised yet, I'll be very surprised.

I wonder if he's lonely.

(Does he ever miss me? He must, by the way he acts sometimes.)

A bunch of older men (older than Keith, mind you) flirted with me at work today. That was actually highly amusing and I actually left work grinning.

I was ringing one of the men out at the register, and he discovered that my mind is always halfway in the gutter. After that, he told me

"Now, you'll remember this for the rest of your life: it's better than ice cream."

Seriously, how could you not help but smile when you think about that?

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