eff this, eff that, eff you

07 September 2004 @ 23:38
my mood

I almost got locked in the store tonight. That's what kind of a day I've had.

Honestly, why can't you people buy your supplies ahead of time and not worry about what the nit-picky teachers want? You're not going to find that 100 page, nonperferated, spiral bound, wide-ruled, one subject notebook. It does not exist. The teacher who requested that specific notebook was on crack.


Also, to the people who took my passport photos today: You fucking suck.

One set had vertical streaks and may not be accepted by the Department of State, and the other two sets are too small and too light. I so want my money back. I'll take my business elsewhere, thankyouverymuch.

At least the post office lady was nice and sent my passport application off anyways, hoping that it will be accepted.

And why the fuck do my parents expect me to take the trash out after I come home from work at 10:45 PM?! I'm tired, pissed off, and upset. HELLO! Your daughter almost spent the night at Staples! The last thing I want to do is drag all the trash to the curb where the raccoons will get into anyways.

Ugh. I need a break. And it's only the third week of the semester.

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