the review

23 August 2004 @ 13:50
my mood

Today would have been much, much better if the following would have happened:

But, overall, it wasn't a bad day. I'm not the only girl in my computer class, but I am definitely the only geeky girl there. Not a big surprise. There are two other students that admit freely that we already know everything, so I'm not alone in the geekdom. (I'm defining geekdom here as those who have already programed an Excel spreadsheet and thrown together a PowerPoint presentation and can do HTML by hand.) I've seen other people I know and haven't been run over by a car yet. The opposite was true at Akron. I like that change.

I still have errands to run and another class to go to this evening. I've already been up since 0430. Looks like it's going to be a productive day.

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