my job, oh joy

22 August 2004 @ 17:27
my mood

I always get really anxious before a drill weekend. There are a variety of reasons why, but I don't feel like outlining them. Usually things seem to turn out okay.

This weekend wasn't too bad though.

Yesterday was a make-up day for when I was in Denver. Honestly, I didn't do much else other than read, play cards, and watch TV. I should have brought my laptop.

Today was the dreaded annual Officer Canidate School graduation. It was over in an hour and a half, even with the Governor there. Anything less than two hours for that ceremony is rare. And to be ignored by. I love my job.

The weirdest thing about doing the band thing is that I see Governor Taft so often that I take it for granted. How many other Ohioians see Taft and not get excited about it? I've seen many people get excited when he makes an appearance. It's just gotten to the point that I think "Oh, he's here with his horrible comb-over. When is he just going to admit that he's going bald? I hope his speech is short..." Yeah, he's in my Chain of Command, which makes him one of my many bosses...but I've stopped caring.

I'll get excited if I ever get a chance to actually meet him.

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