paying off debts

14 July 2004 @ 23:01
my mood

Why do I feel like shit if I've just paid off one of my credit cards and am very close to being able to pay off the other? I mean, really, I am now only $500 in the hole instead of $1000. After paying the other half, my parents will be the only ones sucking money out of me.

I should be proud. One of my summer goals was to get out of institution-owed debt. I am most of the way there -- just $500 more! That's a little more than half my paycheck.

Yet I'm left feeling like I got nowhere.

I still owe money to my parents. I can't afford a reliable car of my own. My trip to Denver -- which is going to consume the majority of a paycheck -- will be super-short. I can't spend a lot of money on myself.

At least I have a roof over my head with no threat of eviction, food other than peanut butter sandwiches to eat, a car to drive to work, and free internet and phone.

I should be grateful.

This is one hell of a life lesson.

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