
05 July 2004 @ 23:47
my mood

The concert was nice. Gorgous weather, decent sized-crowd, and only one trademark crazy guy. Quite a few people came up to various members and thanked us for coming. That, I think, was probably the best part.

But the crazy stalker-like guy pulls a close second. We actually shut the bus door on him.

Molly had called me this morning to say that she wouldn't be there, but I missed the call. There's more concerts in the area, so I'm sure I'll see her.

One more week on the road. It's actually starting to get kinda old. The same thing every night: first formation, travel, set up, perform, tear down, final formation, go back to the hotel, and party/sleep. Yeah, there are slight differences -- mainly the venues themselves. It's the same music, the same order, the same detached feeling, the same milling around. I'm just...bored. But it beats being in the bathtub factory.

And on top of that, I just feel so lonely. I'm constantly surrounded by people yet I'm lonely.

I'm just going to go to bed and blame the blah feeling on PMS.

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