we're all crazy

03 March 2004 @ 21:39
my mood

Last night in one word: crazy.

The entire family ended up at Trav's session. That was strange. The four of us almost never sit down and talk with each other. Travis and I talk. Mom and I talk. Mom and Travis talk. Mom, Travis, and I talk. Mom and Dad talk. Get the picture? And once we were together we weren't sure what to do. Gee, I wonder why. I think the only thing Trav's shrink got out of that session is that he's not the only crazy one. We're all crazy. We're definitely dysfunctional...but, whatever.

Following that lovely session of lets-stare-at-my-younger-brother's-shrink-for-thirty-minutes was calling hours for one of my mother's uncles. The family is big and someone is always dying. Eventually you just get used to having calling hours become social events where everyone comes to look at a dead body and then go chat with other relatives. I'm not being cold-hearted when I say that. I don't know a lot of my older relatives. They often have children and grandchildren and sometimes great-grandchildren of their own so it's common that they will either call me by my mothers name or not know who I am at all. Welcome to the curse of a big family.

After escaping the funeral home we went to go celebrate our dysfunctionalism over dinner. Gotta love a good Italian meal accompanied by sounds of construction.

If we weren't crazy, life wouldn't be nearly as interesting.

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