
03 February 2004 @ 09:51
my mood

I need to be talking to a recruiter again pretty soon. Either Active Army or Active Air Force. AF would be nice since the word is that pay and living conditions are better but I'm also very comfortable with the Army way of things.

It's not just going Active -- I'll be reclassing also. That's not a bad thing. To get a computer-type job with AF I'll have to take yet another test, but with my DLAB scores I can easily be a linguist in either service. Except for the jaw issue, which there is no record of, so I might be able to slip into the Air Force that way. The bottom line is that I really don't want a desk job.

I had promised myself to get a degree before I signed any papers and to finish my contract with the Guard before going Active. Technically I don't have to do either. But I also don't know what I'm doing yet.

On one hand, there's four years of school that won't be completely covered by the Guard. (One has to eat, and buy supplies, and pay rent.) And on the other hand, there's letting the service pay you to be trained and get rid of that "Why don't I feel like I belong here?" feeling.

I just don't know what to do.

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